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Greg Reese Report - Mar 01, 2024 - Runtime: 6:00
CIA Admits To Instigating War With Russia
Western imperialism comes out of the closet

Putin has made it clear in several interviews that he is well aware of how US Presidents come and go, and US policy never changes.

Vladimir Putin: "I have already spoken to three US Presidents. They come and go, but the politics stay the same at all times. Do you know why? Because of the powerful bureaucracy. When a person is elected, they may have some ideas. Then people with briefcases arrive, well dressed, wearing dark suits, just like mine, except for the red tie, since they wear black or dark blue ones. These people start explaining how things are done. And instantly, everything changes. This is what happens with every administration."

Putin is well aware that it is the CIA who directs US policy. And it is the intelligence agencies of NATO countries who have been covertly instigating war with Russia for decades.

In the Tucker Carlson Interview at the Kremlin, President Putin seemed to be speaking directly to the CIA. Twice, playfully hinting that Tucker is a representative of the Intelligence organization.

Tucker Carlson: "With the backing of whom?"

Vladimir Putin: "With the backing of CIA of course. The organization you wanted to join back in the day as I understand it. We should thank God they didn't let you in. Although it is a serious organization, I understand."

Tucker Carlson: "Who blew up Nord Stream?"

Vladimir Putin: "You for sure."

Tucker Carlson: "I was busy that day. Do.. do you have... I did not blow up Nord Stream, thank you though."

Vladimir Putin: "You personally may have an alibi, but the CIA has no such alibi."

And the CIA responded to Putin via their New York Times media outlet in the recent article, The Spy War: How the C.I.A. Secretly Helps Ukraine Fight Putin.

The article admits that the CIA, operating through three different presidential administrations, has transformed the Ukraine into "Washington’s most important intelligence partners against the Kremlin." They have secretly trained and equipped Ukrainian intelligence officers over the past decade. And constructed a network of 12 secret bases along the Russian border used to launch cross-border attacks on Russian territory.

This means the CIA is responsible for the attacks on oil refineries and energy infrastructure.

The article describes secret underground command centers established near the Russian border. Financed and equipped by the CIA.

A CIA program called 'Operation Goldfish' enabled Ukrainians to hack into Russian military networks, break into satellites and decode secret conversations.

Two years after the 2014 Western backed coup in Ukraine, the CIA set up training programs for an elite Ukrainian commando force known as Unit 2245.

The CIA trained Ukrainian spies who operate inside of Russia, across Europe, and in other places where Russia operates.

The article points out that this operation may have even been hidden from Trump. While Trump’s rhetoric was friendly to Russia, his administration of anti-Russia war hawks, such as Mike Pompeo and John Bolton, kept Western aggression moving forward. Which is what Putin has been pointing out for years. Presidents come and go, and the policy never changes.

The article says nothing about the several bio-weapons labs that the US admitted to having along Russia’s border. Some of these labs were seized by the Russian federation, who say they are preparing to release a report on them, but have so far remained silent.

Putin has made it clear that Russia’s actions in Ukraine was in response to decades of hostile US-NATO military expansion on Russian borders. And the CIA is now admitting this to be true.

Greg Reese Report - Feb 27, 2024 - Runtime: 6:19
Medical Staff Offers Assisted Suicide To Canadian Woman Paralyzed From COVID Shots
The challenge is not to disassociate, but to bear witness. Since every person alive now is either a victim of the shots, or a witness.

Kayla Pollock was one of millions coerced and deceived into getting the deadly COVID shots when they were mandated in 2021.

Reporter: Can you tell us why you decided to get the COVID 19 vaccine? Kayla: Basically, a lot of it had to do with the things I was hearing on TV. So there was a lot of fear just being screamed at me by not just the TV, but also like, you know, when you see like the W.H.O. is on TV telling you that this is like a deadly pandemic and, you know, people with immune disorders are going to die from COVID19, more likely than other people. You know, I was hearing about that and my dad was dying in long term care at the time and in order to go see him I needed the shots. In order to go to work I needed a shot.

A week after receiving the Moderna booster shot, she fell to the floor and was paralyzed for 30 minutes. Another episode happened a week later. And shortly after that she became paralyzed from the neck down. The first doctor told her that this was something that often happens to people when they're upset. And that it was all in her head.

He told me that this was something that often happens to people when they're upset and that essentially this was in my head. And the good news was that I would get better because I was essentially having an episode that was some sort of psychotic episode. I asked him when I would get better, and he said, You know, it's up to you, really.

A second doctor was honest with her, but had to keep it hidden.

The second diagnosis, a doctor came to me and whispered in my ear and he said, I think there's something seriously wrong with you. I do not think you're faking. He said, I have a neurologist or a radiologist who's willing to read your report at home. If you go into the scanner right now, I can get that done.

They found a massive lesion on her spine and the doctor told her it was most likely caused by the vaccine and that he’s seen many cases like hers.

Kayla spent several months in the hospital’s rehabilitation center, where the staff offered her medical assisted suicide on two occasions. Which is the only assistance the medical system seems to offer.

If this story is disturbing to you, then it means you still have a heart and your human soul has managed to survive these dark days. The trauma has been too much for many, who have disassociated into cold indifference and fail to fully recognize the crimes that are being committed against all of humanity.

Celia Farber wrote that What has happened, and is happening, is by far the worst crime ever committed... worse than the atomic bombs... and all wars combined. We all struggle to fight off the feeling that in some way we have already died. And the daily challenge is not to disassociate. But to bear witness— since every person still alive now, is either a victim of the shots, or a witness.

And we should be prepared for these criminals to try this again, mainstream media is now talking about strange cases of the measles.

If you are looking for ways to help, Veterans 4 Freedom have launched a Give-Send-Go for Kayla to raise funds for a service dog.

Greg Reese Report - Feb 20, 2024 - Runtime: 6:44
Evidence Shows Biological ID System Has Already Been Deployed
Fluorescent glow in the faces of the vaxxed under UV light

Emotionally, it is easy to dismiss the work of Doctor Ana Maria Mihalcea for it is very disturbing. But her work is shown through scientific testing and backed up by government and NGO documentation. And the evidence shows that humanity has already been infected with cutting edge surveillance nanotechnology. This is a follow up to my last report on Doctor Mihalcea’s Hydrogel research.

New research shows that those who received the COVID shots emit a fluorescent orange glow in their faces that is visible under a UV light of 365 nano-meters. And those who have been exposed to shedding emit this glow around their nose.

After his wife was coerced into getting the COVID shot, PhD Justin Coy began his own research. He found that the more shots a person received, the more they glowed under UV light. The glow can be seen initially around the nose, and over time spreads throughout the entire face and into the neck.

After a hot shower, filaments are expelled through the skin of the vaxxed. And these filaments also emit a glow under UV light. These filaments not only glow, but they have been shown to move on their own in spastic movements. And they are also attracted to people. In videos they can be seen trying to latch on to a finger. And when a person who has received the shot has dry skin, these expelled filaments will become airborne. This could explain how shedding occurs from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed. The Pfizer trial documents stated that an unvaxxed individual in close proximity to someone who’s been vaxxed can be infected by inhalation and skin contact.

In 2008 a biological nanotechnology pesticide designed to kill the Brown Moth in the state of California was deployed and appears to have included the same sort of fluorescent invisible micro dye that we see in the scientific research. Doctor Hildegarde Staninger tested individuals exposed to this nano-tech pesticide and found that a glow could be detected in their eyes under UV light. Doctor Staninger called this the Eye of Horus effect due to it’s similar appearance. And claimed it was due to the use of fluorescent thiocyanate in the pesticide. Which according to the literature, would have been used to track the effectiveness of the dispersal.

This idea has been around for decades. The Institute for National Security Studies, Nonlethal Weapons: Terms and References, published in 1997, discusses an invisible infrared dye which is visible under UV light so that rioters can be later identified.

Justin Coy points out how the genetic code for Luciferase, a bio-luminescent enzyme found in nature, is included in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines along with SV40, which could theoretically allow the Luceiferase to be written into the genetics of the recipient. Coy proposes that this could be what is causing the vaxxed to glow under UV light.

The TRACE act, H.R.6666 - COVID19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone Act, was introduced in May of 2020. The bill authorizes the Centers for Disease Control to contact trace and monitor the population.

In late 2020 and early 2021, people all over the world started noticing purple streetlights. Which is the color of UV light.

The quantum dot tattoo research funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation provided a way of detecting whether or not a person was vaccinated by including fluorescent medical information in the vaccines. Invisible near infrared tattoos that would imprint beneath the skin to later be read by customized smartphones. In the scientific literature on quantum dot research, these fluorescent medical information tattoos have a similar appearance to the faces of those infected by the vaxx under UV light.

You may or may not believe in biblical prophecy, but it seems clear that the ones running this diabolical program are using it as their playbook. From Revelation 13:

“And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark”

But never forget we still have free will.

Greg Reese Report - Feb 16, 2024 - Runtime: 6:38
Hydrogels in COVID Vaccine as Programmable Human Interface
From Ana Maria Mihalcea’s "Hydrogel Platform Enables Versatile Data Encryption And Decryption"

The following report is from Doctor Ana Maria Mihalcea’s recent article entitled, "Hydrogel Platform Enables Versatile Data Encryption And Decryption"

The building blocks of Hydrogels are being found in the COVID vaccine, and Hydrogels are being found in the blood of both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. They are the so-called blood clots that are being found around the world. And these Hydrogels can now be programmed, encrypted and decrypted. According to Mihalcea, they are the substrate of the brain computer interface and the primary method of fusing humans with machines as she described by referencing MIT research in the article, “Hydrogel Interfaces for Merging Humans and Machines”.

Elements which Mihalcea and Clifford Carnicom found with Near Infrared spectroscopy in the blood of the unvaccinated exposed to shedding and environmental contamination include hydrogel plastics such as polyenes, vinyl, nylon, kevlar, and spider silk proteins. As well as other nanotechnology signatures such as silicone and sulfur. This technology hijacks methyl groups, which are needed to detoxify and create Glutathione in the body. Hydrogels used for the encrypted programmable technology include polyvinyl alcohol and polycaprolacton. Both of these Hydrogels are listed as stealth nanoparticles in the Moderna patent for lipid nanoparticle composition. This suggests that not only those who received the shot have this hydrogel encryption technology in their bodies, but also those who have experienced shedding and environmental contamination. Which is just about everyone.

These hydrogels are known to be programmable and encrypted. This technology can behave as brain storage. It can store memories and visual information in an individual’s brain. And it can be chemical-induced to be securely encrypted and decrypted allowing for the secure recording and storage of confidential visual information. This provides a platform for secure financial transactions, which is a requirement for a digital ID.

MIT researchers have discussed how this very same technology can be used to fuse humans with machines. And while they’ve had problems working it out in the past, a recent paper has announced they’ve found success using the very same elements found in both the blood of the vaccinated and unvaccinated by Mihalcea and Carnicom.

In a lecture by Professor Sakhrat Khizroev at the University of Miami, it is discussed how advanced materials can be used for interfacing machines and the human brain. He references a research project funded by DARPA wherein magnetic nanoparticles are key to this technology. Mihalcea has published research that shows how the COVID shots alter torsion fields in the body and produce magnetism. A review by the Rand Corporation, “Brain Computer Interfaces: US Military Applications and Implications” discusses the convergence of human with machine.

In an interview with Big Pharma whistleblower, Karen Kingston, Kingston discusses this self assembly nanotechnology and how the spike protein is an engineered device, triggered by electromagnetic frequency, and how the Quantum Dots are gene editing technology. This nanotechnology appears to be distributed via Chemtrails, the food and water supply, medications, and in all of the scheduled vaccines for children. It has been found by multiple scientists in the blood of both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. And the fact that this widespread technology is being ignored while the topic of mRNA is being pushed into the mainstream, is of great concern.

Mihalcea has shown that the new protocols being sold to the public as a way of reversing the negative effects of the COVID shots, have no effect on these Hydrogels. And it would seem that well over a billion people are infected with them.

While many are talking about an archaic implanted computer chip, it seems that the latest breakthrough technology has already been deployed without anyone’s consent.

The situation almost seems hopeless, but where there is a will there is a way. And now is not the time to hide our head in the sand. The human body is miraculous and our potential is endless. The more people addressing this dire situation, the better chances we have of finding a remedy.

Greg Reese Report - Feb 13, 2024 - Runtime: 6:52
The Illegal Kidnapping and Persecution of Reiner Fuëllmich
The internal coup to sabotage the Second Nuremberg

It appears as if German lawyer, Reiner Fuëllmich, who recognized the COVID crimes against humanity as early as 2020, has been set up. Fuëllmich was spearheading a project known as the “Second Nuremberg”, and co-founded the Corona Investigative Committee. His Committee consulted about a hundred and fifty scientists and experts from around the world, as well as former employees of the World Health Organization, and their findings showed them that the COVID measures were the first steps in a plan to destroy regional economies in order to make populations dependent upon global supply chains, and were intended to reduce the population and install a world government under the United Nations.

The Corona Committee received a lot of donations which they believed were not safe due to the recent history of bank accounts being seized by complicit governments. One million Euros in gold was purchased and put in holding. To fund operations, both Reiner Fuëllmich and Viviane Fischer took out secured loans. Reiner’s loan was for seven-hundred-thousand euros and was to be repaid with the proceeds from selling his home. All documented and agreed upon by the committee.

Members of the Corona Committee met with a law firm in August of 2022, and filed criminal charges against Fuëllmich. Committee members, Justus Hoffmann, Marcel Templin and Antonia Fischer, claimed that Füllmich embezzled seven-hundred-thousand euros, the loan that he officially took out. They claimed he was a violent anti-Semite and that if he were given the opportunity to comment before criminal proceedings began, they would not file the complaint.

Two warrants were issued for his arrest, from Germany and from the E.U., without Reiner’s knowledge. Without an international arrest warrant, German and Mexican authorities illegally abducted Füllmich at the German embassy in Mexico. He was then flown to the Frankfurt Airport where he was arrested and put in jail. International law experts are calling his arrest an illegal kidnapping.

According to documented company plans, Füllmich's loan was to be repaid after the sale of his property. But the very same people that filed the complaint against Füllmich, sabotaged this agreement. The contracts stated that the profits of the Füllmich property was to be transferred to a Füllmich account so that he could repay the loan. But the notary, who is sworn to be neutral and independent, instructed the buyers to transfer the one-point-one-five-eight million euros into Marcel Templin's account. Which made it impossible for Reiner to repay the loan.

The loans were transparently agreed upon in written contracts. There was no secrecy and the company was aware of the loans at all times. The evidence that proves this has been officially submitted to the court, who has chosen to ignore it and has muzzled the defense and ordered they not be allowed to mention it.

The evidence shows that Hoffmann, Templin, and the notary, illegally obtained access to the profits of Füllmich’s property. And not only is the court ignoring this evidence, they have summoned these same people as witnesses against Füllmich.

The complaint states, "Füllmich has also made himself liable to prosecution for embezzlement by purchasing the gold bars without the consent of the shareholders, obscuring their existence and possessing them for himself." But the purchase of the gold bars is also documented. They are in holding and can only be accessed with the signatures of both Reiner Füllmich and Viviane Fischer. This is shown in company documents which were never given to the public prosecutor. But they have been submitted by the defense, and are being ignored by the court.

Furthermore, while the court froze Fuellmich’s accounts, they failed to freeze the one-point-one-five-eight million euros in Marcel Templin's account. Which is presumably still there, and appears to be the payoff for this internal coup.

The trial is happening now in Gottingen, Germany and the plaintiff’s sloppy accusations are beginning to fall apart. One reporter at the trial said: “The case was totally destroyed, and one could only sit there in amazement.” A journalist from BittelTV said that, “Reiner will not only be released but also compensated. The people who did this to him in my opinion will be charged themselves.”

It is beginning to appear as if justice may finally be served.

Greg Reese Report - Feb 09, 2024 - Runtime: 6:41
30 Years of Russia Seeking Peace with the West
Tucker Carlson Interviews Vladimir Putin

Greg Reese Report - Feb 07, 2024 - Runtime: 6:51
The Desperate Failing Plan for a New American Century
They are few and we are many, and they must be stopped.

On January 16th of 1991, as the Soviet Union was collapsing and the cold war coming to an end, George H.W. Bush publicly announced a new campaign of American dominance which he called, the New World Order.

"This is an historic moment. We have in this past year made great progress in ending a long era of conflict and Cold War. We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations a new world order, a world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations. When we are successful, and we will be, we have a real chance at this new world order, an order in which a credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the UN's founders." ~ George H.W. Bush

Vladimir Putin told Oliver Stone that in the year 2000 he asked President Clinton if Russia could join NATO, which he said made the American delegation very nervous. They were not interested in world peace. They had different plans.

In 1997 the Project for the New American Century was founded by William Kristol and Victoria Nuland’s husband, Robert Kagan. In September of 2000 they published their agenda entitled; "Rebuilding America's Defenses" which outlined an ambitious and aggressive plan to achieve world dominance, starting in the Middle East and ending with Russia. The document acknowledged the fact that their world domination efforts would “trouble American allies” and could therefore be a long process “absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.”

A year after publishing this, two thousand people were murdered in the World Trade Center and blamed on a small terrorist group created by the C.I.A.. And with this catastrophic and catalyzing event, the plan for a new American century went into action.

"About ten days after 9/11, I went through the Pentagon. And one of the generals called me and he says, we've made the decision we're going to war with Iraq. This was on or about the 20th of September. I said, We're going to war with Iraq, Why? He said, I don't know. So I came back to see him a few weeks later, and by that time we were bombing in Afghanistan. I said, Are we still going to war with Iraq? And he said, it's worse than that, he said, I just got this down from upstairs meeting in the secretary of defense office today. And he said, this is a memo that describes how we're going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and finishing off... Iran." ~ General Wesley K. Clark

George H.W. Bush’s son, George W., began a propaganda campaign to sell the American public on overthrowing Iraq. Spinning lies about Weapons of Mass Destruction.

"I take the threat very seriously. I take the fact that he develops weapons of mass destruction very seriously."

"Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists." ~ George W. Bush

When the lies became obvious, George W. made jokes while reveling in the blood of the innocent.

Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright, said that murdering millions of Iraqi children was worth it. Lesley Stahl: "We have heard that a half a million children have died. I mean, that's more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?"

Madeleine Albright: "I think this is a very hard choice. But the price we think the price is worth it." The power hungry cabal, made up of close-knit families who practice multi-generational child abuse and mass mind control, began overthrowing sovereign nations. And murdering innocent civilians became the new norm for U.S. foreign policy. But their plan for global domination was failing, and starting in 2020 with the COVID scam, they began targeting U.S. citizens.

They have become desperate and they are going for broke. Slaughtering innocent Palestinians to spark a war with Iran, and sacrificing the people of Ukraine to hopelessly take on Russia.

These inbred families are getting old and they are fighting for their lives. There is too much at stake for them to ever give up which makes them more dangerous than ever. But they are few and we are many, and they must be stopped.

Greg Reese Report - Feb 02, 2024 - Runtime: 5:56
Conflicting Pole Shift Agendas Between
the East and West

Is this why the world is being turned upside down?

The French farmers are dumping manure onto government buildings and onto the roads. They are turning the freeways into fields and setting them on fire. They are blocking the motor ways. And they are dumping and destroying foreign imported foods. They are sending a message out to the people that government decreed starvation is coming. And it’s not just the French, it’s happening in Germany, Greece, Spain, Belgium, Italy, and Ireland. And it looks like it’s just getting started.

This is of course in response to the European Union’s Green Agenda. The E.U. is imposing extreme regulations on farmers which are forcing them out of business. Globalist media is spreading propaganda that farming is bad for the environment. And domestic terrorists in America are setting fire to farms.

This is all being blamed on the lie that humans are responsible for climate change. And so the solution for Western governments seems to be to depopulate, or rather, murder it’s own people.

History tells us that the climate does radically change. Examples such as the Younger Dryas ice age that occurred twelve thousand years ago shows us that these things do happen. And the current level of earthquake activity and volcanic eruptions could be an indicator that the climate is radically changing again.

In the late nineteen-forties, Major Maynard White, commander of Project Nanook, discovered that the Earth experiences routine magnetic pole flips that occur in the span of just one day. But this information was suppressed from the public and was directly followed by the birth of the United Nations Global Warming propaganda campaign. Western governments adopted the man made global warming cover story, but this does not seem to be the case in the East.

In Russia, talk of a pole shift is openly being discussed. Russian scientists have been tracking the wandering magnetic north which has been exponentially moving towards Siberia for decades. And even state run media, Ria News, has been reporting that the north and south magnetic poles have repeatedly changed places and that it could happen again at any moment.

Russian media has even cited the work of the sleeping American prophet, Edgar Cayce, who predicted a sudden climate change that would “lead to the death of cities” and cause the European arctic to thaw.

The Russian Federation seems to be preparing for this pole shift. Massive infrastructure is being developed in the Eurasian arctic, and Russian bases in Antarctica are being drastically restored. The farmers in Russia are not being attacked, they are being given extra subsidies by the government and encouraged to expand.

These contrasting agendas between the East and the West could explain the current conflicts. If the poles are expected to flip, then it would explain just about all the madness that is happening today. And the plan of the Western governments appears to be to cull the population and weather the storm underground.

Greg Reese Report - Jan 30, 2024 - Runtime: 6:51
False Flag Warnings For Martial Law in the USA and War with Russia
We do not warn of false flags to try to predict horrible events. We warn of false flags to try and prevent them.

Greg Reese Report - Jan 26, 2024 - Runtime: 6:48
Underground Tunnels and Satanic
Hybrid Breeding Programs

The hidden agenda to seed the human race after a great cataclysmic reset

The tunnels beneath Chabad headquarters in Brooklyn were immediately filled in with cement insuring that there would be no investigation to conflict with the nonsensical cover-story that they were recently dug in response to the COVID lockdowns. In today’s pop-culture it is speculated that they are related to child sex trafficking, which is indeed a horrific problem with the human race, but there seems to be something more to these tunnels. Tunnels leading underground are one of Earth’s greatest mysteries and can be found all over the world and all throughout history.

Phil Schneider, a structural engineer who spent seventeen years as a military contractor building deep underground military bases, went on a tour giving lectures and blowing the whistle on what he witnessed. He claimed there were a hundred and twenty-nine deep underground bases in America alone. All of which were the size of a small city. He found that some of these underground bases were connecting to ancient underground tunnels and cave networks that were inhabited by a non-human species which he ran into while building an underground base beneath Dulce New Mexico. Schneider said that the Dulce area was a hub of underground bases all connected by a high-speed underground rail system. Less than a year after blowing the whistle, Schneider died under suspicious circumstances.

Dulce New Mexico is a hundred and seventy kilometers from the four corners, an area known for the Skinwalkers, who the Hopi tribe describe as a non-human species that live underground. Dulce is two hundred and sixty kilometers from Scientology’s heavily guarded underground Trementina Base. And Dulce is two hundred kilometers from Jeffrey Epstein’s Zorro Ranch, which is known to have an eight thousand square foot underground level, and is rumored to lead even deeper underground. According to several prominent scientists who Jeffrey Epstein had as guests, Epstein hoped to seed the human race after a cataclysm by impregnating twenty women at a time at the Zorro ranch.

According to researcher, Christopher Jon Bjerknes, the goal of breeding Jewish seed-lines with gentile women is the fulfillment of kabbalistic legends of Samael and Lilith. According to Bjerknes, the kabbalistic teachings include a geocentric model of the Earth with an underworld that extends seven levels beneath the surface where a reptilian species lives. These legends foretell a cleansing of the earth when everyone on the surface will perish, and only those in the underworld will survive.

High level Freemasons allegedly believe in a hollow Earth where a non-human species rule from an underworld called Agartha. And their most guarded secrets seem to revolve around a cyclical cataclysmic event.

Phil Schneider also built submarine bases, and said that most were connected to the vast network of deep underground bases. Ghislaine Maxwell had a submarine license and was known to transport people to Epstein Island through an underwater submarine port. The US military built a submarine base on St Thomas island, which is just thirteen kilometers from Epstein Island. And right next to this submarine base is Water Island, owned by Joe Biden’s brother and their business associate.

In a recent interview on Ickonic, Juliet Bryant, who was kidnapped by Jeffrey Epstein for two years, said that she never witnessed any of the dozens of girls there being trafficked to any men other than Epstein, but she did wake up once paralyzed on a lab table. And witnessed Epstein shapeshift into something else.


Juliette Bryant: "Yeah And I still want to know why exactly I was taken there, because there's a lot more weird stuff going on. Because, you know, I didn't see any girls getting trafficked to other men. So there's something else that they were doing."

Richard Willet: "That’s fascinating in itself. We have a lot of talk and it doesn't get talked about... spoken about that much, but it is the...the kind of cloning DNA part that he was obviously... transhumanism that he was interested in. Did that come up anywhere? did you see any signs?"

Juliette Bryant: "Well, I woke up in a laboratory there one night."

Richard Willet: "Wow."

Juliette Bryant: "These are the things I hadn't wanted to talk about because it's frightening. But there were scientists there, and I woke up one night in a laboratory, paralyzed, naked, on a table. I would like to be lie detected on this. You know, there are other weird things that I saw. I saw Epstein shift in front of my eyes. It was very, very frightening. And it's something that I had to explain to myself because I saw him turn into something."

Greg Reese Report - Jan 23, 2024 - Runtime: 6:21
Victoria Nuland Plan To Destroy Nuclear Power Plant And Blame Russia
The US State Department’s relentless plan to control Russia

This report is based on a recent thread by Kim Dotcom that I believe is important for people to be aware of.

Last June, puppet president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, warned the public that Russia was planning to attack the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine.

There is now talk in Kiev that the real President of Ukraine, Victoria Nuland, has become so desperate for NATO troops to enter Ukraine to continue this US proxy war against Russia, that she is willing to murder innocent locals with a radioactive cloud and blame it on Russian forces. And if you know about Victoria Nuland and the government she works for, then this is absolutely a possibility.

Independent journalist, Gonzalo Lira, who was arrested and left to die in his jail cell by Nuland’s forces, did an excellent job describing Victoria Nuland and the United States’ agenda in Ukraine. I highly recommend watching the entire thing. But here is my short edit:

"Victoria Nuland is carrying out a policy which is very, very, very simple. The American goal, foreign policy goal, is to have a weak and preferably divided Russia. A Russia like the good old days in the nineties. Because in the nineties, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States was able to enter Russia and exploit it to a degree that is unprecedented.

Ukraine, since 1991, the collapse of the Soviet Union, has been a cesspool of Western corruption. Oligarchs were not only allowed to rise, but were in fact encouraged to rise by the Western powers, in particular the United States, because the United States figured that by way of these oligarchs, these countries could be controlled. If Russia was corrupt, if Ukraine was corrupt, it would be easy for Western interests to go into these countries and steal.

When Putin arose, the people in the West thought, he's one of our guys. But what they discovered to their dismay, was that when Putin took power in roughly 1999, he cut a deal with his oligarchs. You stay out of politics and I'll stay out of your grift. But what happened was that slowly over the years, Putin started edging out the oligarchs. And even as he put in his own oligarchs, he started making those oligarchs smaller and weaker. Which is what he's been doing for the past 23 years. Had Putin not existed in Russia, Russia would be what Ukraine is today. Americans started realizing this in the late 2000s... early 2010s. They started realizing that Putin was subtly resisting them, resisting their attempts to turn Russia into a whore.

These Ukrainian extremists, they hate ethnic Russians. And that fits very neatly with Nuland because Nuland, throughout her career, she's always allied herself with groups that were extremely antagonistic towards Russians. She's always allied herself with people who hate Russians. When the Maidan revolution started, she supported the Right Sector. She micromanaged the Maidan revolution and that implicated her. When Poroshenko came to power, the next president, she made sure that that government abused the Russians. And of course, she made sure that the Ukrainian army started getting seriously supplied with weapons and she used that Ukrainian army, and she micromanaged this, to attack the Donbas. You have to understand that in a very real sense, Victoria Nuland has been president of Ukraine since 2014.

So the weapons flowed into Ukraine starting in 2014. After the coup d'état, she brought in the weapons. She's like the nexus of all these different interests that want to exploit Ukraine and use Ukraine to attack Russia with the ultimate goal of breaking up Russia and bringing back the good old days of the 90s. The good old days for the Westerners, the very very bad old days for the Russians. The Russians don't want a repeat of the nineties. That was traumatic for them, as it would be for any country."

~ Gonzalo Lira (edit from FULL VIDEO)

Word on the street is that the current Commander-in-Chief of Ukrainian forces isn’t up for the task of attacking their own nuclear power plant, and so Nuland is looking to replace him with Budanov, who will become the next Zelenskyy if he commits this war crime for the US State department. If these rumors are being considered by Russia, you can expect a major push to take control of Ukraine before it’s too late.

Greg Reese Report - Jan 17, 2024 - Runtime: 6:25
Defense Team To Prove Agents Planted Evidence
on Jeremy Brown

De Oppresso Liber - to Free the Oppressed

In December of 2020. Federal Agents Lindsey and Ura approached Mr. Jeremy Brown at his home and asked him if he would be a paid informant for the government. They asked him to infiltrate some groups they were looking at involving concerns they had about an event in January. Mr. Brown recorded this conversation and instead of working for the government on January 6th, he went on as many media outlets that would have him, starting in March of 2021, and played the recording. He named the agents and exposed what they wanted him to do.

As a result of his righteous actions, the government had him arrested after an illegal search of his home on September of 2021. And after nearly two and a half years in Federal prison, Jeremy has filed for an appeal.

Jeremy’s legal team is presenting forensic evidence that show the unregistered explosive grenades and the national defense documents that Jeremy was said to have illegally been in possession of, were planted in his home by government agents during an illegal search.

The first thing the agents did when they entered Mr. Brown’s home for their search, was turn off all fourteen recording devices. And none of these agents had any functioning body cameras. The only person recording was Jeremy’s girlfriend who recorded the arrest by Agents Lindsey and Ura, who instructed her to stop recording, which she did. They were very deliberate in making sure nothing was recorded during their search.

During this search they allegedly found two explosive grenades and a CD containing national defense documents. Items that Mr. Brown denied knowing anything about.

The grenades were tested for DNA and the FBI’s own experts found two male specimen DNAs on the grenades, none of which were from Jeremy Brown.

They found a dog hair underneath one of the grenades. Mr. Brown has two dogs so the FBI got a search warrant, took over 50 samples from his dogs, and determined that the hair on the grenade was not from his dogs.

They found a carpet fiber on the tape around one of the grenades. So they get another search warrant, cut out pieces of Jeremy’s carpet and compare the fibers to the one that was found with the grenade. And they determined it was not a match.

Criminal counts six, seven, eight, and nine, were allegedly found on a Compact Disk that they claim Mr. Brown carried with him through the desserts of Kuwait and Afghanistan for seventeen years. And yet there isn’t a scratch or a hint of discoloration on it. In August of 2022, there was a trace done on that CD to see when it was uploaded. And the evidence shows that Mr. Brown did not have the CD or the two grenades in his possession. They were planted by crooked agents working for a criminal state that has locked up and tortured scores of innocent men and women for a planned false flag event that they orchestrated with so many Federal assets that they lost count.

This criminal state is now threatening to go after everyone who was in Washington DC on January 6th, no matter if they were in the Capitol or on Capitol grounds.

Greg Reese Report - Jan 11, 2024 - Runtime: 7:22
17 Million Murdered By COVID Vaccines
and Voodoo Death

The groundbreaking research of Denis Rancourt

Greg Reese Report - Jan 05, 2024 - Runtime: 6:38
NATO Plans False Flag in Black Sea to Launch WWIII
The Globalists need a scapegoat to blame for their destruction of America

Just about every major government has been guilty of false flag operations to foment war. America has been guilty of several, but here are just a few...

Civilian passengers were murdered when a torpedo hit the Lusitania. Investigations revealed that explosives were inside the ship, which was operated by war profiteer J.P. Morgan. This event is what brought Americans, who were not previously interested in getting involved, into World War I, where they lost over a hundred thousand sons and daughters.

They were also not interested in getting involved in World War II, but after breaking Japanese encryption codes, the US government knew of their plans to attack Pearl Harbor. But the big banks were funding both sides and expected massive profits, so they let it happen to encourage Americans to sacrifice nearly half a million of their children in the second world war.

In August of 1964, the USS Maddox and the Turner Joy knowingly lied about being fired upon by North Vietnamese ships. For two hours they fired at nothing and maneuvered as if under attack. President Johnson was aware of this deception but kept it secret to initiate war against North Vietnam. And to sacrifice over fifty thousand Americans.

About three thousand people were murdered on 9/11 in the most notorious false flag in US history. This was used as a catalyst for the endless destruction of several nations that continues today.

Professor Stephen Starr, associate of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, was recently on Russia’s Soloviev live where he discussed a plan being suggested by NATO forces in Germany that stinks of plans for a false flag operation to usher in World War III. They have suggested a scenario wherein Russia sinks an American cruiser in the Black Sea. Followed by the United States attacking Russian ships with nuclear warheads. Which would then be followed by a Russian nuclear strike against NATO headquarters and a major US nuclear attack on all of Russia. They suggested more than three thousand strikes within one hour and the destruction of all major cities in Europe and the United States. Professor Starr said this would result in a hundred and fifty million tons of smoke and soot that would block out seventy percent of the sunlight in the Northern Hemisphere and last about ten years.

It’s important to note that it’s been NATO forces alone who have been provoking war with Russia for decades. Surrounding their border with missile systems and bio-weapons labs, and overthrowing Ukraine with C.I.A. Colour revolutions. The facts show that Russia has been given no choice but to defend themselves against deceptive Western aggression.

The anti-human globalist forces that hold a firm grip on America are clearly trying to destroy it from within. If they wanted America to win a world war, then they would not be murdering US troops with the deadly Covid shots. And they would not be manipulating them to castrate themselves under the guise of transgenderism. The globalists want the United States to be plundered and destroyed but they need a scapegoat to blame it on and they’ve clearly chosen Russia for that role.

During the American Revolution, Catherine the great of Russia unofficially supported the colonies by trading with them. Russian ships began delivering hemp, sail linen, and iron to American ports as early as 1763. During the war of 1812, Russia attempted to join as a third-party mediator in support of American independence. In 1863, Russia sent military fleets to New York and San Francisco to put pressure on the British and fight them if necessary. They patrolled the American shores for 10 months.

This Russian support of a sovereign America is undoubtedly what led to the Bolshevik revolution of 1917 when the country fell into communist rule for sixty-nine years. Today Russia has asked for peace but the evil powers that want endless war can not survive unity between the East and the West. False Flag operations are the modus operandi of the globalists, and war, mass murder, and division is all they desire.

Greg Reese Report - Jan 01, 2024 - Runtime: 6:38
Trauma Based Mind Control
Human Herding 101

In Trauma Based Mind Control, trauma is used to hack into the mind and body’s defense systems in order to train a person’s behavior. This is accomplished in three steps:

In step one, the victim’s identity is destroyed. This is achieved by depriving the victim of their basic needs and inflicting pain upon them until they become exhausted, confused, and disoriented. In this state, they no longer trust themselves and become receptive to guidance from an outside ‘authority.’

Step two, through a strict system of rewards and punishments the victim is imprinted with a new identity. The new identity is trained to self-isolate by having it denounce everything associated with the previous identity.

And finally with step three, through the continued use of trauma, the rebuilding of the victim’s new self is crafted and maintained however the mind controller chooses.

For this to work, the subject must remain oblivious to the fact that they are being ‘trained.’ This is accomplished by keeping them in a helpless victim state of mind with the use of trauma.

The entire method requires regular ritualistic abuse to keep the target in the victim state. Declassified documents show how drugs and sensory overload are used to inflict trauma upon the public, but high-level slaves are often procured from families with an established history of child abuse.

Inter-generational, or multi-generational trauma abuse is when a person abuses their child, and that child grows up to abuse their child, and that person grows up to abuse their child, and so on. This increases a person’s susceptibility to Trauma Based Mind Control.

Experiments with mice have shown that the offspring of a traumatized pregnant mother are born depressed and exhibit problems socializing with others. A nurturing upbringing by a healthy surrogate mother did not reverse the abnormal behaviors, indicating an in-utero transformation of the brain. And bioinformatic analyses revealed long-lasting alterations in the DNA. This is why the CIA is known for targeting children from families of multi-generational child abuse. They are easier to mind control. This is why world leaders are all from the same bloodlines.

This brutal technique has been used and understood for centuries. And if a group of people vying for power wanted a loyal army of soldiers, the easiest way would be by breeding them. And the evidence shows that this is how our society was created.

From the middle of the nineteenth century and well into the next, hundreds of thousands of orphans were distributed and sold in the United States. And millions worldwide. They were advertised, delivered by train, and sold at fairs. In America, these orphans were being managed and distributed by a private organization from Britain known as the Oddfellows. Many of whom were orphans themselves.

The Ancient Order of Oddfellows is an international fraternity whose members, such as Albert Pike and several US Presidents during the Orphan Train years, were often members of Freemasonic lodges as well. With their first official lodge in the United States established in 1819, the Oddfellows are officially committed to educating orphans, but they seem to have been procuring them and breeding them as well.

The Oddfellow’s first female chapter, The Daughters of Rebekah, was founded right before the orphan trains began and a depiction of their work shows hints of mass breeding and surrogate motherhood. They worked closely with the Oddfellows at large institutions known as Orphan Asylums and Foundling Asylums where many members themselves were born.

The Rothschild banking dynasty provided funding for several of these orphan asylums. According to Phillip Eugene de Rothschild, the family has privately bred over a hundred thousand offspring, including Adolf Hitler.

This is why pedophilia is so prevalent among the families of world leaders. While it is used for extortion, its primary function is for Trauma Based Mind Control. Because to the mind controller, trauma equals transformation. And there is nothing more traumatizing to a person than pedophilia.

If you had a million Mind Control Slaves placed in positions of power, then you could control entire nations. But only if the masses were also kept in a relative state of trauma.

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For Acts of Treason

And then add to this...
- Joe Biden -
- Hillary & Bill Clinton -
- George W. Bush -
etc, etc, etc....
